My Journey to DLithe Bootcamp(.NET Full Stack Week 1(Jan27-Jan29)

Deepak Mishra
7 min readJan 27, 2022



Hii, Myself Deepak Mishra , towards Dlithe bootcamp journey i am going to publish my blogs over the technology like html,css,javascript,bootstrap,.NET

In this journey i am sharing my experience of .net full stack developer and what i learned towards the Dlithe .net full stack journey .

On the 27th of jan Arun sir explained the role of .net full stack developer and how we can achieve by dedication and Pallavi Katari madam start teaching html , css (frontend languages).

Assignment 1: DLithe_BC_NFS_T_Task001_Software Installation

The software which is needed for execution of html and css is code editor , browser.

code editor : visual studio code

browser : chrome

Assignment 2: DLithe_BC_NFS_T_Task002_Write technical blog on Web Design introduction


Technical Blog on Web Design

about web design?

  • Web design is the techskill using that we can easily create a good readability , responsive web pages and host them into the server.
  • web design give us to better understanding of knowing the information, the brand information , the user experience .

What are the key factors considered during web design?

  • Usability. One of the most important aspects of web design is actually making the site usable for the average user.
  • Speed. Website speed can make or break your entire company.
  • Optimization of webpages .
  • What according to you — The end-user experience? Customer Experience? Give realtime examples

End-user experiences undergird the value that brands deliver to their customers in the digital world. It depend on ranging from website design, navigation, transaction ease, and of course, page download and rendering times.

  • What according to you — Operational excellence, optimizing the resources, response time etc? Give real-time examples

To achieve the Realtime growth in task

Assignment 3: DLithe_BC_NFS_T_Task003_Create github account


What is Github?

GitHub is the single largest host for Git repositories, and is the central point of collaboration for millions of developers and projects. A large percentage of all Git repositories are hosted on GitHub, and many open-source projects use it for Git hosting, issue tracking, code review, and other things. So while it’s not a direct part of the Git open source project, there’s a good chance that you’ll want or need to interact with GitHub at some point while using Git professionally.

Procedure to create github account?

The first thing you need to do is set up a free user account. Simply visit, choose a user name that isn’t already taken, provide an email address and a password, and click the big green “Sign up for GitHub” button.

What is a README File?

In simple words, we can describe a README file as a guide that gives users a detailed description of a project you have worked on.

It can also be described as documentation with guidelines on how to use a project. Usually it will have instructions on how to install and run the project.

Benefits Of Using Github

GitHub, can be divided into the Git, and the Hub. The service includes access controls as well as a number of collaboration features like tools for basic task management and for all projects you handle.

GitHub hosts your source code projects in a variety of different programming languages and keeps track of the various changes made to every iteration. So, the “Git” implies the version control system; a tool which allows developers to keep track of the constant revisions to their code. The “Hub” is the community of like-minded individuals who participate.

It is all about the collaborative effort of the community, in reviewing, improving, and deriving new ideas from the uploaded code.

Assignment NO : 4 DLithe_BC_NFS_T_Task004_HTML_Introduction


In this tutorial, we will use the most basic form of creating web pages — HTML. So, do you have an idea about HTML? Let’s Learn Some basic things

Here’s how our partial Home page will look like after we completed the our basic of HTML .

now we’re going to start the html first program from here

Before getting to write your first hello world you should be aware about some of the softwares which we are going to be used in this tutorial.

  • The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines that this document is an HTML5 document
  • The <html>element is the root element of an HTML page
  • The head <head >element contains meta information about the HTML page
  • The Title <title>element specifies a title for the HTML page (which is shown in the browser's title bar or in the page's tab)
  • The Body Tag (<Body>)element defines the document's body, and is a container for all the visible contents, such as headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, lists, etc.
  • <h1> element defines a large heading
  • <p>element defines a paragraph

Software installation needed :

visual studio code editor :

<!DOCTYPE html>




#myHeader {

background-color: lightblue;

color: rgb(218, 29, 29);

padding: 40px;

text-align: center;



<title>Welcome to FSBootcamp</title>



<h1 id=”myHeader”>DLithe Bootcamp Blog</h1>

<h1>Title 1</h1>

<h2>Title 2</h2>

<h3>Title 3</h3>

<h4>Title 4</h4>

<h5>Title 5</h5>

<h6>Title 6</h6>

<img src=”main.jpg” alt=”Main” usemap=”#workmap” width=”400" height=”379">

<p>I will display A B C</p>

<p>I will display &#65; &#66; &#67;</p>

<h1>My First Emoji</h1>


<p>Some Example For Website </p>

<blockquote cite=”">

For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature.

The world’s leading conservation organization,

WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by

1.2 million members in the United States and

close to 5 million globally.



Text in a pre element

is displayed in a fixed-width

font, and it preserves

both spaces and

line breaks




Assignment 5: DLithe_BC_NFS_T_Task005_HTML Page


Task Details:

Use 3 to 4 Hyperlinks (navigate to Google, 3 HTML pages(Html basic,Htmllinks,htmltables)

Employee Details


Training Details


Sample HTML CODE(Use entities)

Page background(image/color)

Use Colors for table,list,sample code

address tag



Code :

Assignment 6: DLithe_BC_NFS_T_Task006_HTML Page Online Media Playlist


Task Details:

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

Hyperlinks(video files,audio files,youtube files)

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -
About your Website using semantic elements and ImagePath(when you click on music symbol
open audio page,dance image video page)



Assignment 7: DLithe_BS_NFS_T_Task007-HTML_MediaControls


Task Details:

Website for your IT Company
1. Registration Page
2. Login Page
3. Home Page with Hyperlinks

Hey , Myself Deepak Mishra i am working with some basic html web pages development, here we’re going to build a IT company website which has multiple pages and login and registration option with the basic validations.

Registration page :

steps to create registration page for our IT company website

Output of Register page:

The tags which we used for developing the Register page :

The <input> Element :

The <label> Element:

The Radio Buttons :

The Checkboxes:

The submit button:

The Attribute for <input>:

Login Page Output:

The Homepage Output:

For Source code Check the link below :



Deepak Mishra
Deepak Mishra

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